Last month Delta launched on the app store. I have an Analogue Pocket that I use for playing Game Boy games and the launch of Delta has made more more interested in the emulation of other systems. Part of this might just be that I’m getting “old” but I feel like the games that I played in the early 00’s had the perfect amount of content. Games today are too long and bloated and are continually fighting for our attention (and wallets!). I want some simple single player content that I can play through in a few hours!\

I started by looking into other handheld emulators. I love handheld systems (back to the Pocket, my first console was a Game Boy Color) and the idea that I can play my favorite Game Cube, PS2, and even Wii games in a portable system is very cool. After some research I picked up a Retroid Pocket 4 Pro. It’s a very tiny Android based system that supports everything up to the PS2 and Wii.\

At the moment, I’ve been mainly playing some of my favorite PS2, PSP, Wii and Game Cube games on the system. I already finished Sly Cooper and I’m working my way through Super Paper Mario and GTA Chinatown Wars. It’s been perfect to pick up and play these anytime I want (but mainly when I’m sitting in my toddlers room trying to get him to fall asleep…).